Officially? 4.5 feet long. If you look at the original drawing of Cloud in the manual of Final Fantasy 7, and you take into consideration that his (canonically) 5 foot, 7 inches, then you have the proper data to confirm just how long the famous Buster sword is. My calculations have TWICE come out to 4.5 feet long. But that seems even HALF reasonable, when you consider who CLOUD is. The Buster sword (although infinitely cool) was silly from the very first time Square tried to get us all to believe that anyone would wield it as a weapon, especially when guns and even LASERS where all acquirable. I always suspected, though, that with the changing times, the creators of the character, his iconic blade and the people behind Final Fantasy have been HAMMING it up, and extending the tip of the sword to even more ridiculous lengths. Recently I got my chance to measure a plastic model version that came with the Cloud action figure I reviewed. After some measurements and quick work with my graphing calculator, I managed to prove that the action figure came with a sword that was approximately .9 feet longer (in theory) than the Buster Sword was originally supposed to be. Here, have a look:
the national healthcare forces you into the hands of some doctors you dont have the choice to choose ur own, so its another way for the government to control our minds
Ben Runnoe:
hewy tolstoy dumbass u dont read between the lines do you if the governments paying for health care there going to raise taxes on all sorts of shits thats dangerous, can cause cancer, like have six flags be $80 insted of $40 that bag of doritos having $10 tax cause its too fatty and if you eat it ur costing the government money and if you dont believe ur a as dumb as you look
Use the word ignorant about 20 more times, maybe it'll make you sound smarter. Doubt it, though. Great, so there's a tax on tanning. Tanning (like smoking) DOES CAUSE CANCER and should be taxed (like smoking.) Higher taxes can be a good thing. The more we're all willing to pay, the safer we can all be with a better trained, more well equipped police force, and the better off our society will be with increased funding for public education. I'm more than willing to allow more money to go to the system if in return they're going to offer us public healthcare. Countries with universal healthcare (and higher taxes) generally have FAR greater standards of living and health than we do here in America, and they also have higher ratings of overall happiness. We only have to ensure that our government actually spends the money on public programs, which shouldn't be too hard for a country of INTELLIGENT people. America, on the other hand, is a whole different story.
Ben Runnoe:
ok you must not know how radical barrack is and they wont improove education they try to keep ppl dumb so theyll vote for democrats because unless your stupid and dont care about freedom not to mention health care is unconstitutional its only goin to cover 30 million ppl so there goin to start putting value human lives = descrimination so if u support u not as smart as i thought
That is either the clever prods of a very nearly successful troll or the insane rantings of a sincere republican. I'm not sure exactly what to believe. Recently I was watching something pertaining to the politics of our day, and I watched as the right-winger conservatives started to scream and chant their insane, hyperbolic, non-nonsensical narratives about the way the world really isn't...
(Barrack Obama is an Arab)
(Barrack Obama wants to ban all guns)
(Barrack Obama wasn't born in this country)
(Jesus loves war and money)
And after watching for a few minutes, I started to become so disillusioned with the constant level of insanity that these people seem to think with, and I started to sincerely wonder if it's all just a charade. Perhaps they don't honestly believe it, I thought to myself. Maybe this is all just a grand conspiracy to take our eyes and minds off of where they ought to be, by creating a faux ideological war between the left and the right that seems so outrageous it's almost entertaining, and is more like an episode of Dragon Ball Z than a real world conflict between two parties.
Glen Beck: I will power up my crazy-insano-chi technique and use it rule the world! BWUAHAHAH!
*Does that power up thing that looks like translucent fire and an upward draft*
John Stewart: No way, Glen Beck, I'll stop you with my powerful voice of reason, WAAAAHHH!
And the day is saved and we all feel better even though nothing has really changed, and every 12 minutes in this country someone is dying of medical problems that could have been easily cared for if they only lived in a "privileged" country like Saudi Arabia....